Thursday, May 15, 2008

2 Spideys

I can do anything big Bro can do!

Sunday, May 4, 2008

Blog? What's a blog?

I've been enquired of by several friends as to the whereabouts of my blog, so I finally made one! Here it is, by popular demand! We've been keeping pretty busy lately. Now that Eliot is walking well, we have 2 wild boys on the loose! We celebrated Eliot's first birthday last weekend by having Brett's parents come out and help us build a swing set/fort for the boys. Both Drew and Eliot love it! As soon as we put the swing set up we put the boys on the swings. After about 20 minutes, Drew was ready to try something else. Eliot just chilled in his swing for an hour. Brett finally took him out so the novelty of having a swing didn't wear on him ;) We had a cake for Eliot on Sunday, and it was thoroughly enjoyed!

Below are a couple of pix from our house last fall right before we moved in. I will take some new ones with grass and bushes soon instead of the mowed weeds!