Friday, October 31, 2008

Halloween 2008!

Drew makes a point to get "costumed up" a couple times a day but Today's a special day because he got everyone to dress up with him!  He is especially excited about having his sidekick Robin!  

1920's flapper and Brett was the "bad guy" they had planned to "beat up on" but all bets were off when they saw the candy coming in!!

Monday, October 20, 2008

What's UP there??

We were at the park the other day and we had taken a bunch of random pictures of the boys. We were going through what we thought were going to be cute pictures but discovered that there must have been something REALLY interesting in the sky! ...I think Drew discovered America.

Sunday, September 14, 2008


You need some background to completely enjoy this picture. Click on picture to see the numbered arrows closer.
#1 Drew's been down this road before and knows that he is busted. His thought process is, uh-oh, hope I can still pull off "too cute to be in trouble" !
#2 Eliot's just happy to be here and says "Ahhhh, chocolaty and chewie, I should be in charge of more of the meals around here."
#3 and from that spatula technique, he soon will be.
#4 Notice that real dinner is cooling on the stove - they weren't really close enough to get burned or anything.

Thanks Mom, Now that's how dinner is done!!

Friday, September 12, 2008

Nature Walk

Going on a nature walk at the park, binoculars required!

Dutch or Von Dutch for long

After Drew told our neighbor that his Daddy was building a fence so he could get his Boo back (our dog in Idaho), we decided this was the last straw and the boys needed to have a puppy.  We got a black mini schnauzer named Dutch.  So far this picture of him on a car ride is the only time he has stayed still long enough to snap a pix! He's very active and a great match for the boys!  We will post of better pix soon!

Monday, September 8, 2008

Nascar Experience

We were driving by the Kansas Speedway and Drew saw some Lightning McQueen cars racing, so we stopped to see what was going on. They were doing a special ride-along day for $99 and a lock of your mullet. We didn't ride, but we did get to go out into the center area of the track to see the pit area and check that out. The boys wish our car was that loud! (ps-we spotted several mullets and guys with no shirts-- notice minimullet in the wild behind Barbie!)

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Whole lotta hammering!

Here we have daddy giving instruction~ Drew, concentrating very hard on getting that nail~ and Eliot, trying to smack the nail with the handle of the mallet.  The boys love helping Brett any chance  they get!

Eliot's First Haircut

So we finally decided it was time for the mullet to go.  

He wasn't especially happy about it, but he was very good!

Drew's wife trap!

Drew's posing here but he was straight-faced when he wanted Brett to help him dig a hole to "catch a wife"!!  He definitely picked up his romantic skills from my caveman husband.  

Monday, June 30, 2008

Flying Model Airplane

Build the plane.
Flight instuctions.Solo flight before the plane got trampled

Break-time from all the Flying

Friday, June 13, 2008

As if we didn't already have enough toys in the garage...

Brett insisted that boys need Jeeps.

Gassing up!
...Yeah Drew still loves his costumes

Friday, June 6, 2008

Knight Fight!

I stumbled onto some sort of toddler Shakespeare production and had to get a picture. This was Drew's knight suit until he decided it made a better Lamanite costume. He later added his red Superman cape to the breastplate for the full effect.

Thursday, June 5, 2008

Sunday, June 1, 2008

Thursday, May 15, 2008

2 Spideys

I can do anything big Bro can do!

Sunday, May 4, 2008

Blog? What's a blog?

I've been enquired of by several friends as to the whereabouts of my blog, so I finally made one! Here it is, by popular demand! We've been keeping pretty busy lately. Now that Eliot is walking well, we have 2 wild boys on the loose! We celebrated Eliot's first birthday last weekend by having Brett's parents come out and help us build a swing set/fort for the boys. Both Drew and Eliot love it! As soon as we put the swing set up we put the boys on the swings. After about 20 minutes, Drew was ready to try something else. Eliot just chilled in his swing for an hour. Brett finally took him out so the novelty of having a swing didn't wear on him ;) We had a cake for Eliot on Sunday, and it was thoroughly enjoyed!

Below are a couple of pix from our house last fall right before we moved in. I will take some new ones with grass and bushes soon instead of the mowed weeds!