Sunday, September 14, 2008


You need some background to completely enjoy this picture. Click on picture to see the numbered arrows closer.
#1 Drew's been down this road before and knows that he is busted. His thought process is, uh-oh, hope I can still pull off "too cute to be in trouble" !
#2 Eliot's just happy to be here and says "Ahhhh, chocolaty and chewie, I should be in charge of more of the meals around here."
#3 and from that spatula technique, he soon will be.
#4 Notice that real dinner is cooling on the stove - they weren't really close enough to get burned or anything.

Thanks Mom, Now that's how dinner is done!!


Linds said...

So cute! Your dog looks adorable as well. Fun pictures, what a good Mom!

April said...

So stinkin' cute. Ha ha ha. And yummy cookies by the way!!!